Packing for Pleasure – 5 Things to Bring to a Hook Up

If you’ve managed to successfully navigate some of the pitfalls of swipe-based apps and found someone you’d like to hook up with, congratulations – you’ve succeeded where many have failed!

While not all apps are strictly for hook ups rather than dating, if you are looking for some no strings fun, you might be wondering how to prepare for it. It may not be a date-date, but you’re likely still filled with all sorts of anxiety about what to wear, what bring, even whether to hug them hello.

We can’t hold your hand through every aspect of this social interaction – and hey, nervous excitement is part of the fun! – but we can prepare you with the ultimate guide for items to make sure you bring along to make sure you enjoy yourself enough to not be right back on Tinder as you drive home!

1. Ice Ice baby

So conversation is flowing well and that glass of wine has done the trick of settling those nerves just the right amount, and while you’re fairly confident that a speck of food isn’t going to materialize between your teeth after your checked and re-checked, you can’t shake the sense that maybe your breath isn’t the freshest.

While your date most likely can’t smell or taste anything if you brushed, popping a mint can just put your mind at ease and let you enjoy the ride, while also potentially adding a fresh tingle to any oral activities. Oh, and we’d personally opt for mint over gum, just because the active chewing can be a bit less than attractive, and makes it a lot harder to transition to kissing when you need to spit it out!

2. Gettin’ Fresh

With your breath covered, you may still not be feeling your most confident about mouth-to-body contact. While it goes without saying that meeting up for sex should always be preceded by a shower, it’s possible that after going out dancing, or even just for dinner on a hot summer night, you may feel a little less than fresh. This is why a non-irritating wet napkin is a must-have for your hook up kit,  no matter your gender. While again, your partner may not mind nearly as much as you think they do, when roles are reversed we are sure you’d appreciate the gesture!


3. No Glove, No Love

Speaking of rides, you and your date are now back at your place. The heat is rising and you are making out like Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger ready to put the back into Brokeback. Bringing your own condoms with you not only gives you peace of mind, but lets your partner know you take your health seriously. STIs are on the rise and protecting yourself against nasty infections can save you a lot of stress in the future. These moves can help incorporate condoms into your playtime and make sure safe never felt sexier.

4. Slip and Slide

We’ve said it once and we’ll keep saying it until the whole world is a wetter place; THE WETTER THE BETTER. Not only does the extra water-based lubrication feel amazing, it can help with ensuring the condom stays intact– sometimes latex can dry up a little with the all the in-ing and out-ing which makes tears and breaks more likely. A jumbo sized bottle may be a little intense, so opt for a sachet, or one of the smaller bottle sold at your sex store, that way you’ll never end up having to use your partner’s questionable old bottle of KY.

5. Mamma Mia!

You’ve heard before that the majority of vagina owners find it hard to orgasm through penetration alone. So it should come as no surprise then that we suggest you bring a small clitoral vibe with you (we are LELO after all!) Something like the MIA 2 is small and discreet that it can fit into any bag but packs enough punch that’ll leave you gasping for more. And, if all goes well tonight, maybe you’ll bring your favorite toys over to play!



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